April 23, 2014

Why I Have Tattoos

Two days ago, one of my friends asked me to convince her that tattoos are acceptable. Her text read something like this: "As someone who has tattoos, convince me they're okay. A totally acceptable decision..."

Yes, I have two tattoos. No, I don't believe that it is possible to convince every person that tattoos are okay. And that's honestly fine with me. My life mission is not to convince others that tattoos are acceptable, because there are some people who will never believe that they are. But I do believe that it's necessary to hear someone's explanation of why they have tattoos before deciding what kind of person you think they are. Do I feel like I need to explain to everyone why I have tattoos? No, of course not. But since she asked, I did my best to explain the personal reasons why I myself have two tattoos. I figured I might as well tell everyone else, especially since I, too, think that some tattoos are distasteful and unnecessary. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your read of my response to her text message regarding why I have tattoos.

"Okay. Being completely honest, I got my tattoos for me, and for me only. I didn't do it because I was finally out on my own and 'Boy, I'll show you Mom and Dad.' Nothing like that. And I didn't do it because it was a fad or a trend. I thought VERY long and hard about it and I decided I wanted the ones I have because that way I would always permanently have personal reminders to myself to be the person I want to be in life. And to be honest, I wanted to prove to myself that I could make it through the pain of getting a tattoo. I kind of felt like if I could make it through that, I could make it through anything. I have a low pain tolerance, so that's why I had that mindset. My first tattoo is the one on my foot that says 'no regrets'. This one reminds me that although there may be things I will regret in life, I need to get over those things. And that I am bound to make mistakes in life, but instead of regretting them, I should learn from them and let that change me into a better person. My second tattoo is the one on my side at the top of my ribs. It has an anchor and says 'i refuse to sink'. The anchor goes along with the saying because although anchors themselves sink, they also keep things in place and keep things steady. By refusing to let life get me down, I choose to remain in control and steady. This one reminds me that no matter what I am going through, I won't let myself sink, because I'm better than that and I'm stronger than that."

Yes, I'm a Christian. Yes, I have two tattoos. No, I don't need approval. This is between no one else but God and me. God loves me, no matter what, tattoos and all. Remember that they're not for everyone, but they are okay for some people. This post isn't to sway opinions for or against tattoos, but instead, to inform you of the reasons why I got mine. Now you know :)

My 1st Tattoo
My 2nd Tattoo