July 27, 2011

Packrat Much?

I'm putting some CDs in my iTunes that I thought I had on there already but apparently didn't, so I'm taking this time to blog.
 So I came to the realization today (a few minutes ago, actually) that I am a HUGE packrat. I thought moving half my stuff to the dorms last year was bad. Ohhhh no. It does NOT even compare to what I am going through right now. Moving almost all my stuff to an apartment is SO much worse! My room looks like a tornado or hurricane or some powerful unwanted force of nature has just completely torn it to shreds. Okay, that may be exaggerating a bit, but honestly, I can hardly walk in it! Granted, it's been a mess for a year or so now (probably longer if I'm going to be 100% honest about it), but right now it is just filled with piles of CRAP. The piles aren't even useful. Probably half of them, if not more, are just filled with random stuff that I don't need, nor do I even have any idea what to do with any of it. The thought of touching anything in my room and actually putting it somewhere is horrifying, not because it takes effort (haha, although I am lazy!) but because I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT. I have two trash bags full of clothes I need to get rid of (I think? I'm not entirely sure what is inside them, I still have yet to work up the nerve to look. All I know is it ISN'T trash lol). And I also have a trash bag full of shoes I need to get rid of. And anything I haven't worn in the past year is also being tossed out (and by tossed out, I mean sold or given away). My bed has currently been taken over by piles of neatly folded clothes that also need to be sold. I just don't even know what to do with myself right now. I keep thinking, "Oh, I've been organizing/cleaning for a while now, I'm sure I've made tons of progress" and then I take a step back and cry (Usually I just stand in my doorway and metaphorically cry. Even I'm not that much of a baby lol). The goal to all of this going away and being accomplished is to have my mom help me with it. Yeah yeah, I may be 19 (almost 20!) but it will really be beneficial and to everyone's immense pleasure if my mom helps me with all this. Mainly I just want her help so that A) I don't have to do it all by myself and wallow in my self-pity from becoming a horrible packrat of useless crap over the years, and B) So my piles of said useless crap don't eat me alive. At least if she's here she can pull me out if a pile swallows me whole.

Anyway, I went over to Amanda's new house today and it is ADORABLE. Hence the reason I came back home and wanted to get all my stuff packed up and organized. Well, THAT didn't happen. Oh well. Slowly but surely it's getting done. I just don't have time for it to "slowly and surely" get done! I move in 10 days!!! You know, Amanda gave me some boxes she was done with. Maybe I should bring them in and start packing stuff into them. That mighttt be a good solution to my problems. Just maybe...

Oh! And yesterday I went for a drive. Big news, I know. Well I just needed to get out of the house for a while, and that's one benefit of living on dirt roads. They'll take you wherever you want to go but give you alone time at the same time. So there's this little dip in the road a few miles by my house. And when I say "little dip in the road" I mean it's basically a small valley. And by "little dip in the road" I also mean that the road basically drops down so low at this point in its course that the creek going across it actually DOES go across it. I drove through some water during my country cruise. So as I'm about to drive through this creek (don't worry, no harm was done to my Baby E. That's my car, FYI), I see this HUGE turtle. And I got all excited because it's really the first turtle I've seen all summer. Okay, maybe the second, whatever. So I'm gonna get out and take a picture of him (or her? Is it possible to tell the gender of a turtle?) when I see this truck coming down the road toward me. Now being a tiny girl and not wanting to get kidnapped/sold to slaves/abused/any other horrible sounding thing, I kept driving, with a downtrodden heart. So I drive on down the road and end up turning around, because darn it, I am determined to get a picture of this amazing turtle friend of mine! So as I'm driving BACK toward this little dip in the road/huge creek covered road-valley, I see this SAME truck coming back toward me! At this point I start flashing back through all the great memories of my life, because I am just SURE I'm going to get dragged out of my car and murdered, by him and his adorable-looking dog in the front seat beside him. AND he was on the phone so I'm almost 99% sure he was plotting my death with his drug lord or something. Anyway, I make it past him (ALIVE!) and lo and behold, THE TURTLE IS GONE! I even stopped my car in the middle of the creek/road thing and looked for him/her/it! (At this point I just don't even know what to call the turtle.) I'm also 99% sure that man stole my turtle friend, and I was very upset with him.

Okay soooo, I'll be the first to admit that whole story was overly exaggerated. But it really did happen! And I really do think he stole my turtle friend. But honestly, it was a little creepy that he had turned around and I had to pass him again. Granted, I did the same thing, but STILL.

Obviously I am entirely too bored right now because this blog post happened. But I hope it has proved entertaining to all of you. I'M entertained by it and I'm the one who wrote it! :)

Anywhoooo. I'm gonna end it here because I'm really running out of witty things to say.
On that note, have a good day! :)
xoxo, n.

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